Since the early days of the internet, video has been considered as the next level of marketing. It allows companies to disseminate much more information than static imagery as well as incorporate audio and other visual effects. Video also has the advantage of being “cross-platform” when it comes to advertising as it is the standard method of advertising in televisions, and can be adopted for advertisement on social media, websites, and streaming services with almost no changes. The video production itself is only a part of using video and digital media for marketing purposes and involves other aspects such as promotion, and distribution which is arguably the most important, as it ensures that the video is seen by audiences. Organisations specialising in video services such as video production services Brisbane offer packages which bundle these services together, allowing organisations with no in-house video production team to obtain high quality, industry standard services cost effectively.
The Production Process
The video production process can be broadly classified as pre-production, production and post-production stages. The pre-production stage is mainly a planning stage, the production stage is the execution stage, and the post-production stage is where the above-mentioned distribution and other essential elements take place.
The pre-production stage involves identifying the objective of the video, its target audience, method of delivery etc. and formulating a script, budget and making a plan of the required resources in terms of manpower, equipment and financing. Talent is recruited to begin production and the shooting locations are scouted and prepared. Any other service providers that offer support functions are engaged at this stage.
The production stage at which the video production actually happens. This stage differs depending on whether the video is to be live action or entirely computer generated. This is human resource intensive and involves the work of producers, directors, camera operators, audio and video engineers, lighting specialists and other prop/set designers. Animated video may involve modelling, sculpture artists, graphic designers etc.
The post-production stage entails the processing of the recorded or rendered footage and arranging it in the required order and to deliver the required message. The recorded audio and video are mixed and combined in this stage. Post processing of the video footage also enables producers to add visual effects such as text and other imagery.
The delivery of the created video is the most crucial step for marketing purposes. Today, video can be displayed almost anywhere from websites to television. The most popular method of advertising through video is to post it on social media or video streaming services such as Twitch and YouTube. It is also possible to send the video as a commercial for television channels which allow it to reach wider audiences. The video should be optimised for the delivery medium as online channels would need the video to consume less bandwidth, for example.
Video as an advertising medium has a strong presence today and is expected to be even more popular as technology improves with more powerful devices and faster internet connections.
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